December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas! (Bug fix and Demo 4.1)

So yeah, yesterday I released Demo 4 of Super Smash Karts. Later that day (at night, in a party), a friend and I played a 15 minute round of Super Smash Karts. Yes, a fifteen minute round, and of all the games we played that evening, mine was the one we were both laughing our lives off.

While we were playing, however, I noticed that the new summons' icons were being displayed in my side (I was the right player, or first player) whenever my friend picked up an item. It wasn't completely game-breaking for us but it was confusing.

So today morning, as soon as I got up, I went and fixed that nasty little bug. Fortunately, I already knew where the problem is. Usually, these types of problems are the hardest to bugfix, because this problem doesn't tell you its having a problem; it goes on its merry way. In programming, this is called a logical error, where the computer reads the code and runs it without knowing that its not what you wanted. That's what makes it so hard to bugfix. The other type of error, the syntax error (kind of like a grammar error) , is easier since the computer will pretty much refuse to run anything because the programmer himself misspelled a keyword that it used to communicate with the computer.

Anyhow, the point is, that bug's been fixed. Happy Holidays to all!!! W00t! I hope I get online in there soon... =_=

December 17, 2007


I have added the boosting function. Now, players can press and hold "down" in order to charge up. Then, when you're satisfied, release "down" to go super fast! If you hit your opponent, it will cause some damage.

This adds a whole new level of gameplay depth to the game... Do you rush around waiting for your "Limit" to charge or do you keep charging your boost and boost attack your opponent?

December 15, 2007

Blog added to website, plans for the future.

Well, if you're here, it is most likely because you saw it on the website already, but hey, why not talk about it?

There's a few things I still need to do to the website, mainly add links to websites about the characters featured. By the way, the characters page only shows a handful of the characters in Super Smash Karts. In time, all of them will be put up...

As for the game, there is one feature I'd like to add: Boosting. You know how in Kirby's AirRide, when you hold down the "A" button, Kirby charges up and then goes faster? I want to do that. Maybe I'll do that while I figure out how I am going to add online to the game and while my sister is working on Fourside...

Remember to add comments!

Old Updates from the website

These are the old updates from the website.
December 14, 2007 Update

My God. Who would have thought someone had made an RPG Maker sprite of Zidane! O_O Tres Awesome! And in the Final Fantasy VI style too. Sooooo, those who liked playing as Shadow, I'm sorry. I will add Shadow in as a summon, though. I'm also a Shadow fan, but my favorite Final Fantasy will always be FFIX and my favorite FF main character will always be Zidane (Vivi being my favorite supporting character).

Actually, I have a funny idea. The Dragon Quest series had a spin-off comic series, which was adapted to a Tv series, that was called "Dai no daibouken" which translates to "Dai's Big Adventure" (in South America, it was localized as "Las adventuras de Fly"). Well, in that story, the main character, Dai, uses a sort of container or something which can "store" monsters, much like in Pokémon. He can then say, I think, Derupa and the monsters come out again. From what little I saw for Young Yangus, it seems that YY uses the monster-container thing from Dai no Daibouken. So it got me thinking, "It would be cool if I could summon up an army of Dragon Quest monsters, then at some point Shin Megami Tensei monsters come out, at other intervals Earthbound monsters..." Y'know? I think that'd be pretty cool. It'd kinda be like a Pokéball item, except that instead of just one monster popping up, a great slew of the most recognizable monsters of the before-mentioned series (and some more) would pop up and wreak havoc on the playing field. Yeah, that'd be fun.

Another thing, once I fix my sister's computer, I'm going to work on making this webpage a little more than just a webpage and I'm also going to check out Google blogs and make something like a developer's blog. That way, people can comment on the posts. There is one warning though: I will put up ads. I need to get money. Despite me going to start on a job this Monday, I'm going to move soon to a house- What little I'll earn will probably not be enough to help me help out my parents.

Well. That's it for now. Hopefully, this page becomes a splash page before tomorrow.

*Thou hast died*


Came back almost immediately. If you've been a regular here (which I doubt anyone is) you might have noticed that there are tabs on top. Instead of using HTML to make this into a website, I'm just going to use Microsoft's WYSIWYG options and do that. Its easier on me and it will get the job done faster than if I had to go and use HTML and put it up using freewebs (I'm poorer than poor). This page will become the updates page. It WILL also be the main page. So, come back periodically for new stuff. The things that will take the most time will be the stages and the items pages, but it won't be anything too bad (and nothing hard).


Did the Characters page, but it is still not done. I will add in my own comments of each character or a quote from Wikipedia regarding the character. On the company or publisher names, I am also going to link it to the appropriate company's website, if it is available, otherwise I will link it to Wikipedia.

I will try doing stages, but I don't know how much I can do today. Am hungry and it became dark out so fast. O_O


Finished. By God. I. Am. Beat. Who knew making a characters page was going to be somuch work?!


December 10, 2007 Update

F-Zero fans rejoice, for the F-Zero stage has been added! Next up: Fourside from Earthbound (Mother 2)! Also, to anyone who liked Maple... :( I'll add her as a summon, though. I don't think its fair to take off a character to include another one, but in this situation, taking off Maple made sense... Anyhow, After my Trigonometry final this Thursday, I'll try getting one of my friends and have them test out the online with me... 'Course, I have to write the code for it first. X_x


December 7, 2007 Update

Mother 3 fans should recognize this stage. I decided to use this background from Mother 3 instead of anything that comes later so as to not spoil anything for some people. This is not, by the way, the only new stage. In fact, there's a new Star Fox stage which is pretty nifty! I also have ideas for some other stages but I've been too lazy to work on anything... couple that with final exams and woo-hoo! Not much work done. Add to that that I now have to move AGAIN and yeaaaah. Either way, if anything I'll probably start playing around with online mode and see how I can go about that (which I know it can be done, since hawthorneluke is making a full fledged MMORPG with the same environment I'm using).

Well, that's all for today. If you're interested in finding out more about Mother 3, you can go here for Tomato's 'Do-It-Yourself Devotion' fan-translation or you can go to to read up on Mother/Earthbound stuff. Until next mission! *shows item collected percentage* Dang, still at 18% >_> ~ Moulinoski


Bleh, decided to take off the ugly screenshots from before and added these new ones, which show off the new way the game draws the hud, which is thanks to Drewdelz. So thanks go to him for pointing me in the right direction! And since I forgot to mention it before, the two new characters are inserted. I won't reveal them yet however.

By the way, there's something about Shadow from Final Fantasy VI that tells me he should be taken off and a more "main" character from Final Fantasy should be put in... I'd like to put in Zidane, but alas! No one's made a sprite of him or the Invincible... But no worries, Vivi and him (and Zack from Final Fantasy VII) are going to join the fray somehow... Don't worry, I'm not going to over-Final Fantasy-lize Smash Karts. XD If you want to give suggestions, you can do so here. Well... NOW until ne- Mmm... The Metroid thing is getting kinda old... Hmm...



November 11, 2007 Update

Well, Microsoft sorted what problems were happening to my website. I was going through the game with a friend who was pointing out problems within it and so I've been fixing stuff up. Also, two characters will be added, but they will remain a secret for now. I will work on brushing up this place so it looks spiffier and I'll also try and juggle this project with Super Smash Mayhem, a pre-Alpha Smash Bros. project. More info on that when I get the site better than this. :) By the way, you CAN set the AI difficulty level, the manual is wrong there. Well, 'til next mission. ~ Moulinoski